Retargeting Glossary D-L

Dynamic Creative

Many advertisers wish to show different ads to different customers; for example, an advertiser might wish to show a woman’s polo to a woman and a man’s polo to a man. Dynamic creative can refer to having a few different creatives and choosing the most appropriate one for the user through some automated means such as audience segmentation or based on frequency and recency.

Dynamic Pricing

The purchase price for an ad impression that is determined via a real-time auction rather than a predetermined fixed rate.


Estimated Average Price: EAP is a bid price estimated to win about half of the impressions from AppNexus platform sellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.


Estimated Clear Price: ECP is a bid price that is likely to win most impressions from the Traffic Fuel platform sellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.


Effective Cost Per Acquisition. This is calculated by dividing your cost (or revenue) by the number of conversion events.


Effective Cost Per Click. A translation from CPMs, CPCs, CPAs, and other pricing models so they can be com-pared.

First Look

Prioritized access to select Advertisers. Instead of the winning impression going to the highest bid, it affords first right of refusal for an impression within an exchange based on a pre-negotiated floor or fixed price. If the buyer bids, they are guaranteed to win the impression. This privilege is typically granted in return for a commitment.

First Touch

An attribution model in which credit is given to the first impression a user saw.

First-party Cookies

Cookies that use the domain of the website a user is currently on. For example, if you visit and the domain of the cookie is, then this is a first party cookie. First-party cookies are usually used for login, user experience, and remarketing purposes. See also Third-party Cookies.


The lowest price at which a Seller is agreeing to sell an Ad Inventory to a Buyer.


How often an ad is shown in a certain period, such as 24 hours. Advertisers often want to limit frequency to avoid overexposure.

Frequency Capping

The ability to set a limit on the number of times an Advertiser exposes a user to their advertising within a fixed time period.


Effective Cost Per Thousand. A translation from CPMs, CPCs, CPAs, and any other pricing models so they can be compared to each other.


Estimated Minimum Price is now termed Es􀀚mated Clear Price.

Engagement Metrics

Most digital media buyers are interested in measuring the effectiveness of their advertising. This is most easily done by direct marketers who use CPAs, but there are a variety of other ways to measure the impact of ads via “customer engagement.” Some possible engagement metrics are whether a user has watched an entire video ad, if a user hovers over a creative with a mouse, and the popular (but possibly low-value) click. The term engagement metrics may also be applied to things other than advertising, such as how long a visitor spends on a web site.

Estimated Average Price

EAP is a bid price estimated to win about half of the impressions from AppNexus platform sellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.

Estimated Clear Price

ECP is a bid price that is likely to win most impressions from the Traffic Fuel platform sellers based on historical bids and their success or failure..

Exclusive Inventory

If inventory is associated with a particular bidder, that bidder can set an exclusive parameter so that no other bidder will see the inventory or bid on it. Useful for sing in on auctions without participating.

GTM - Google Tag Manager

a service provide by Google to allow you to aggregate code on a website that is used to track data or collect information. Examples that would be placed into the Google Tag Manager are Google Analytics Code, retargeting pixel code, and other data collection snippets of JavaScript or code that would be placed on a page. GTM allows you to place a single block of code on an en􀀚re website and then never touch it again, because all the changes happen in the GTM management console (or in Traffic Fuel). This is also used to prevent your competition from seeing what you use to collect data or who you use to do your retargeting.


A creative served to a single user at a single point in time.

Independent Trading Desk

A third-party company that licenses and supports DSP technology to act as a trading desk for Advertisers/Agencies.


The opportunity to display digital advertising content in a particular medium, including, without limitation, web, mobile, in-stream audio and video, application and/or widget-based advertising inventory.

Landing Page

The page to which a user is directed after clicking on an ad. If a user clicks on a T-Shirt of the Month ad, they may be directed to, or to or some other landing page chosen by the advertiser. This can be slightly different than a Click URL.

Last Click

A type of attribution model that pays out on the last impression that was clicked on by the user.